Friday, July 15, 2011

Should I just cut all contact with him?

Honestly,it is hard to give you a specific answer to your question. While he did say you were not his type,it does not mean that he did not like you ,your personality,or did not enjoy texting you. It simply suggests that he may not like you as a dating partner or a girlfriend.This sort of things happen as I am sure you also know. It is possible to like someone very much but not like to be involved with them in a romantic relationship.This seems to be the case or most likely scenario .I do not think your hearing impairment had anything to do with his feelings or your physical looks. From everything you have said ,you seem to be a good looking woman. This just seems to be one of those situations where there was no romantic connection. You can delete him from any site you wish but before you do I would ask you to first make sure that this is what you want to do,that you do not want to have any type of contact with him again,and that you are correct about your feelings regarding his motives.Hence ,if possible ,ask him again about his reasons and ask him to be completely honest with you.Then based on his answers ,make your decision.

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