Friday, July 15, 2011

Why does my partner not want to get married?

These are very normal feelings for a young man, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love or respect you. Usually people fall in love, get married then start a family, he thinks you just skipped that step. It is strange that you haven’t discussed this before. Possible reasons why he doesn’t want to get married may include - his parents being divorced or maybe you were married, so he has no faith in it, or he feels it wouldn’t be special if you’ve done it before. Maybe he feels it’s an unnecessary bureaucracy, cost and hustle - as your relationship is fine as it is. Even the most committed men like to hold on to the 'perception of freedom' as long as possible. Some men subconsciously feel they will be emasculated by commitment. Ever noticed how men talk about ‘being tied down, ball and chain’ and generally speak of marriage in a negative way? Women grow up dreaming of getting married, while most men dread it. Society makes us believe that marriage is a liability for men, while women have something to gain from it. This is embedded in all our subconsciousness. Speak to him, tell him how you feel, and that it is something that’s important to you, but don’t pressure him if he’s not ready. You are both still young and not together that long, so he may change his mind in a few years. He also may not, some people just don't believe marriage to be a necessary part of a relationship.

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