Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boy problems... he has a weird foot fetish?

HES WEIRD!!!1 DONT DATE HM ANYMORE!!!! NOW CAN YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ANSWER MINE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? a href=";_ylt=Anis97cpD2HqSVhKle6T_Drsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629164752AAQ2qgQ";…/a

Christians: Can't you accept that there are still things that science can't yet explain?

I realize that there is still much improvement to be done with science, but I honestly don't think that there will be an explanation to the origin of the universe apart from God. But I do enjoy science, people just put way too much faith in the scientists.

Concerns about mortgage pre approval from bank of america?

I received pre-approval from Bank of America for an FHA and VA Vendee loan. This was in early April and they pulled my credit before granting the pre-approval. I finally found a house and made an offer that was accepted. The proposed closing date was scheduled for July 29, but because of the length of time between then and when I received the initial pre-approval, I was advised to allow them to pull another credit report (this was last week). I did this and my score is now 656 (up from 628), my debt-to-income ratio has slightly lowered (due to paying off one credit card and paying down another) and everything else is the same. I had a bankruptcy which was discharged four years ago, and since that time I struggled for a few months (late 2008/early 2009) and had an erroneous state tax lien on my report. They asked from an explanation for these events and stated that I could provide a letter explaining the situations. These same items were on both credit reports pulled by BoA, but now I am being told that they are denying approval because of these items. Why would the grant a pre-approval for 170k, but deny my approval for 97k? I am a college educator and I have been on the job for almost three years. I was told that they would need certain items to process the loan, however they requested none of these items before denying me. I received pre-approval from Wells Fargo (also done in early April) which is still valid. I spoke with that loan officer today and he doesn't see the problem. I would prefer the Vendee program because of the lower fees/closing costs in addition to the zero money down payment, however I may have to go to the FHA from Wells Fargo. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do or why this could have happened? Has this happened to others? Any information that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Anyone know any good romance anime or romance/high school japanesse dramas?

i don't know any dramas but you can see the movie Road Home. i even don't know if it is Japanese but it is a Chinese film i hope. but it is a beautiful love story.

Help with Japanese pronunciation?

I took Japanese for several semesters, and you're instincts and pronunciation are correct. I don't know where that "'o' as in 'fort'" thing comes from, but it's WRONG. Listen to your Japanese teachers or native speakers for Japanese, not the History teacher. History teachers tend to be the kind of guys who either purposely pronounce all foreign names the way Archie Bunker would, OR they patronizingly toss out all English phonology and make a point of pronouncing all foreign names/words as they would be pronounced in the originating nation. Either way, it's annoying. And wrong. I wouldn't become the person who runs around correcting every non-Japanese person's pronunciation of words like "sushi" and "Tokyo", etc., though. Once words get adopted into a language, they are churned through the phonetic system of the adoptive language--just like the Japanese words written in katakana; they may be foreign words, but they're pronounced in a Japanese way.

Men: How do you feel like when you want to propose? Do you think it should be reversed?

I've always thought how much courage a guy has to say, "Will you marry me?" to a girl he loves. But do you men think girls should propose to men for a change? Why?

Where can I find all the Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne OST's?

Where can I find all the Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne OST's? Especially the one from her secand transformation... ? :) Thanks!

What is a good romantic anime with a preferable with kiss?

Well I want an anime that the pair don't like each other but by passing time they realize how in love they are . Some anime that Ive watched are Kaichou wa maid sama , Special A and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne . Actually Iv� seen more romantic anime but I think I saw all of them (too bad) I can't find any good anime so please help me. I don't care if the pair dont kiss I just want to see some romance.

What do guys who have a foot fetish consider to be good feet?

I've always wondered about this. I know some guys are into feet, seems harmless. But do they like just any feet or do they have to be small or something? Pedicured? Its kind of interesting to me that some guys can get excited by such an odd part of a girl! lol

What's the difference between an expensive ring and an inexpensive ring?

There are many things that cause the price, one being the brand. You might want to propose first and then give your girlfriend the choice between the two rings (without showing the price) and let her choose it, which ever one she likes, you can by, thereby solving you problem.

Do you wish that you had a clone so you could give YOURSELF a foot massage/pedicure?

Like if you had an exact replica of yourself (not a twin, you're both you). I know you could do it now, but it feels better when someone else does it, and only you know exactly how you like it.

Do you think this is fair?

A few hours ago I was painting my toes and I was waiting for my toes to dry so I put my feet on top of the kitchen table. My step dad told me to put my bare feet down and I said I was waiting for my toes to dry even though they were already dry by then I was just too comfortable to put my feet down and I liked to look at my pretty toenails. He said fine and then he went upstairs about 10 minutes later he came back down and said that my toes should be dry by now so put your bare feet down and I told him no I want to relax and enjoy my pedicure. Then he said," how do you like this pedicure," and started to tickle my feet and did the ten little piggy thing and I got mad and told him to f*** off and he told me that now I'm grounded for a week. Do you think this is fair? I just wanted to relax and enjoy my pedicure and now I'm grounded. I can't even show off my toes now because I'm locked inside the house for a week.

Other than national language, what is the difference between Kamikaze and Suicide bombers?

I know one comes from the air, but don't they both have the same result or intention? The death of the attacker?

Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Oh, so kamikaze pilots are now considered stupid because the sacrifice their life for their country, but when someone sacrifices their life for USA, they are called true patriots?

If Obama raises interest rates as proposed in lieu of a complete collapse of the US government...won't this ju?

The remaining Americans with Home Mortgages...will lose their Home, when their interest payment increases. This will also increase the Unemployment Rate. Does every one like sitting at the State Unemployment Office while toking on a Pack of Chesterfield Kings, and reminiscing about the good ol' days of a pay check and a vacation in Aruba...under Bush.

Help which one should I pick?

Just listen to your heart, enjoy the life. Moments that gone never come, so do things you like and enjoy. :)

What should i do? Genuine problem i have here...?

Send her a voice mail, explain how ridiculous she is. Say to her, "shame on you, shame on you, I pity you because of your father, looks like I'm right a ***** is a ***** even when it hurts."

The NLRB is proposing rules to hasten Union elections by shortening the time period?

Yes , it gives employers less time to blackmail,fire , and threaten employees who are supporting the election

If GW Bush was an economic pilot, would he be a Kamikaze?

Obama is like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of Republican failure. The economy has grown ever since he took office. All this turmoil is from Bush kicking the can down the road. Now Obama has the courage to handle it and he is doing so.

Is there a way to kill bees inside of tree?

Yes I agree with the others who say don't kill them. Get a professional to remove them. They take the bees and set them up in hives. We need bees to pollinate our vegetable crops, or we won't have any food to eat. Bees are dying out and need all the help they can get.

Is it normal to feel this way in a marriage?

My husband and I have been married for two years together totaling four years. We were together for a year when he proposed and then had a year engagement after we got married I found out I was pregnant four months later with our first and only child. For the last two years things have been very rocky. I feel like he is a total different person that the person I feel in love with. He's grouchy all the time. We can't afford Daycare and don't have anyone to watch our son during the week so I am a stay at home mom and I do school online full time. He's always in a bad mood. He complains if I ask him to grab me a glass of water if hes in the kitchen. Nothings good enough everything is negative and when I try to talk to him about things he doesn't want to hear it. If I have something going on that I am sad or upset about besides me and him he will listen but not as much as he use too, he use to be my best friend. I feel like I have lived with a room mate the last two years. I'm starting to not look at our relationship romantically. For a while now. He never tells me I am beautiful or he loves me so I just want to know if this is normal the first years of marriage and if so how do I fix things ? Any suggestions!

Do you wish that you had a clone so you could give YOURSELF a foot massage/pedicure?

Like if you had an exact replica of yourself (not a twin, you're both you). I know you could do it now, but it feels better when someone else does it, and only you know exactly how you like it.

How do i flip my life around?

im a 15 year old girl and i want to become..idk...healthy? im skinny but i have no muscles. i want to become tone. id like to eat healthier too. i also have black (unevenly layered) hair with side swept bangs. what would you suggest for a highlight (or low light but my hair is super black)? i also want to make money to buy new clothes at forever 21 and get pedicures and manicures. but i have a problem with saving money so any suggestions?

What was Kamikaze all about?

Kamikaze means 'divine wind' and was the name given to pilots who became suicide bombers, just aiming their planes at American ships and piloting them into the ship. Was a major concern to the Americans as a plane travelling at several hundred miles an hour plunging towards the ship also caused consternation to the gunners trying to shoot them down, knowing that if they failed the ship would almost certainly be sunk or very badly damaged.

How well does laser hair removal work?

im seriously considering getting it for my graduation next monday.I just had a pedicure and manicure today and am getting my hair cut tomorrow, i was thinking of getting laser hair removal or waxing. I want to look Fabulous for my graduation, after this all im only having one more... (if i graduate college, he he)

Friday, July 22, 2011

What to get at nail salon?

I am a guy and girls told me i should get a pedicure and a manicure and thats why my nails look ugly and i never knew that so i decided to give it a try but what subjects do they give like what to ask for? cause i dont want to ask for the wrong thing and end up with my toenails red with flowers on them so im a guy and i decided to give it a try cause doing it myself makes it looks ugly so what should i get for guys?

What do you think when you see a woman in open toe shoes without a pedicure?

I've never been one to get my nails done, mostly because I just don't care that much about what my nails look like. But I do walk around in sandals and flip flops all the time. Recently, I started noticing that EVERY woman I see has a pedicure. I don't care about being "fashionable" but when others see me without a pedicure, are they thinking something I'm gross or something? Is this the equivalent of not shaving your legs? Mandatory woman thing? Thanks :)

A question for the guys?

If you are about to propose to your gf, and you know that she will say "yes", to marrying you, why do you get all nervous about it?It's pretty much a sure thing... I'm just curious...

What's a good 28th anniversary present for my wife?

What to get for anniversary: the age old question, faced by men every year. After 28 years of marriage, and under instructions not to buy her clothing or jewelry or bath salts or coupons for spas and pedicures ... what's a good anniversary present?

I am 13 years old and i am having a birthday party in a few days. i have no idea on what to do at the party...?

I live in the country so I have alot of space. last year we had manicures and pedicures and a giant slip and slid. I have a pool but I don't know if it is going to be clean by my party. I want my party to be different than it was last year because I am inviting some of the same people... please help me!

What is a good anime or manga with supernatural, fantasy, comedy,and a hint of romance?

If you want soemthing that has all of this in one awesome anime it would have to be Sailor Moon! I love that show, it has the perfect balance of all into one, each episode is something special, and it really does keep you wanting for more. It has supernatural and fantasy with transforming heroines, and the fantasy of the Moon Kingdom a past kingdom or a monarchy on the moon, and Crystal Tokyo future kingdom, and the amazing powers and strengths each Sailor heroine gets which is derived from Mythology and Astrology. Comedy is always in Sailor moon from the constant petty arguments and tease the two main characters to those random, and cute moments in battle with the Monster Of the Day. Romance is definatley in Sailor moon especially Sailor Moon and her boyfriend, and the whole string of fate or destiny that they're bound to be together also funny moments when other characters find their love sometimes it's serious. Want Yuri it has that, want good morals and seeing a brave damme it has that, not to mention its a classic and a legend in anime, and one of the best 90's show of all time. It's more perferred to see it in Japanese with the English subtitles

Any good birthday ideas?

Hey im 12 and its my birthday on the 9th :) And anyways she's seven right well then because shes growing up abit more why not try a birthday sleepover she will enjoy as long as there's always things to do x

What is the difference in Hari Kari, Seppuka, Kamikaze, etc? See details...?

The Bushido Code’s central principle was absolute respect to the emperor, the daimyo, Japan, and thy self. Notably, who in Japan's storied history committed these acts and why?

Should we save and turn Gila National Forest into protected land, especially from ranchers and hunters?

This is one of the oldest and biggest public land in the United States. Could you imagine if it was a park that protected all of its historical & endangered natural species? For example, some predators such as jaguar, cougar, Mexican wolf, brown bear, bald eagle, black bear, ocelot, bobcat and coyote all belong here before being wiped out for cattle industry (sadly today, they can graze all year round which makes unbalance land for nature). Non predators such as Pronghorn, buffalo, trout, whooping crane, spotted owl, parrot, desert bighorn, collared peccary and reintroducing wild llama are some of many species that should still roam this vast land for everyone to appreciate, enjoy and respect. This proposed protected land would eventually be transformed back to its most beautiful state as once before. Tourism would blossom because it would attract so many people around the world like African & India's Safari. Importantly, tourism will rise tremendously & will create jobs for the locals, especially for those affected by reduction of cattle industry in that area. Why it is so important to save that area and its wildlife, because it has its own unique wildlife like no other in the world and it would hold over 5 large predators in one area similar to African wildlife.This project would be much bigger and more profitable then Yellowstone park because due to weather it can be open all year round, this would be bigger than Yellowstone NP accomplishment. Another reason, Gila Park will be the only park in North America with so many large predators to support and maintain a healthy ecosystem like Africa. This is the only place in North America where such diversity is possible.

What are some Reeeeeally AWESOME Rom/Com animes PLZ!!!!!?

You've watched basically all the ones I've watched and the ones you haven't like Nana you don't want to. But if you go to you can get some awesome reccomendations based on animes you've watched and loved. Just type in an anime and it'll give you reccomendations on other anime you should watch based on your search. That's all I can say.

Can someone help me with a relationship problem?

So two years ago my ex broke up with me after having been together for four years. We went our separate ways and life brought us back together. We have been getting really serious again but now i don't know how i can one-up the last time I proposed to her. It was Christmas Eve, and I invited her over to watch some movies. We went outside to sit and look at the snow and i had a bowl of red and green M&M's set out. While she was satisfying her sweet tooth i mentioned that they had started putting messages on the Christmas M&M's. I had some specially ordered and half of them said Erika & Jordan and the other half said "Marry Me?" Now the next time i propose to her which i feel will be in the near future, I feel like she'll remember this one and I want to top it. So can anyone give me some ideas for the best proposal ever?

Poll: Opinion Ladies...?

GOD NO! Cause im not naive and an idiot. He may not be a creeper but i would NEEEEVVVER go to his house for a foot massage. I dont even know what state he lives in! and ya know what! he could be a flippin molester for all i know!

Considering Leaving Marraige?

I have been with my husband for 5 years, married 1. He is a heavy pot smoker, and I started almost two years ago after a car accident to try and relieve pain, and because I felt we would get along better (he also grows). He has also has a big porn addiction. I caught him right before he proposed to me on a trashy dating website telling a woman how beautiful she was trying to get pictures and I almost left him over it....Last month he had porn all over my house and I found out he was masturbating in a public place (Gym Sauna). Hell froze over. He was being lazy, not helping with the chores, never saves his money, and he is not very educated, we have never really had personal conversations and now I feel stupid. We are good friends but I am starting to wonder if he should have only stayed as a friend. We have sports in common and when we are doing something physical we are great, but when we go out to dinner or do something just the two of us he talks about construction and how he hates mexicans. I am in a business field, and I cannot talk to him about my job because he doesnt understand it and he doesn't really hold much value in it. I am a good looking woman, and I constantly have men wanting to sweep me away but I dont want to hurt my husbands feelings or feel like I failed. I have been silent for so long with my husband because of his temper and I just try to keep a smile on my face and suck it up, but I dont think I can continue. This last month I finally said something and we have been at odds ever since. I want someone who I can share a mental relationship with. I want to feel like I can talk to them about kids, money and life without feeling like I have to guide them every step of the way. I want to feel like I am taken care of rather than being the care taker. My husband has done a 180 recently with helping out and has been doing chores, cuddling with me, and trying to spend time, but I cannot seem to get the mental connection of feeling close to him. I am no longer smoking because of my jobs demands and I dont think it was really helping. I am lost and I need help. I want to go to a marriage counselor but I know when we do go he will complain about the money and having to take time off of work.

Does anyone know of a nail salon in San Diego with a children's play area?

Sometimes a mom doesn't want to bother anyone or can't find someone for a babysitter just for her to get a quick pedicure. If there is a separate play area for toddler aged kids (well ventilated of course & gated) while moms get there nails done would be great. Anyone ever heard of a place? They have hair salons out there that do it.

I proposed one girl.She said NO.Now she have accept my request on facebook.I still love her.what to do?

About 2-3 months ago I proposed one girl and she said quickly NO to me.Then we see each other only for once in college.Now we are not even in same college.we both changed our college for higher this time she joined FACEBOOK and now she have accepted my friend request.I am very confused how to interact with her.We were not such as friends in college before.Might I proposed her so early so she said no to me.But now what should I do on FACEBOOK?i want her.....

Women brag about equality, but they always expect us to ask them out and us to propose, why not woman up here?

If you want come and get me, I will make it worth your while. But I dont want to marry you. I will also pay for my own dinner or movie on our date. So what do you say?

Hi i'm a gal who wish to make life useful... now i'm facing love failure could u help me to come out.. pls?

if u r true then move on r else put concentration on other things r other activities that may help you to avoid such things......past is past let's think about the future of yours just think all are which happening should be right to your life........ i think you are good hearted person sharing your feelings to the third persons. any way better luck for the fore coming new life without him ., put one thing on mind "don't thing you are a LOSER the person who refuse you is LOSER" bye

Why is my toe nail white?

It started off as a tiny white speck and now my whole toe nail is white not yellow but white as nail polish..I get a pedicure every month so I never seen what was going on underneath the nail polish,and I don't understand cuz I take very good care up my feet, please seriouse answers only!

Women who have ticklish feet, do you dread pedicures?

girls who are so ticklish on their feet that they squirm and fight to stifle their laughter while getting a pedicure. Do you dread pedicures for that reason? Do you get embarrassed over your reactions, if you're in a public nail salon, or do you just think its funny?

Manicure or Pedicure......?

Pedicure because you get a massage along with it. And you can use your hands to read magazines while their painting them instead of just sitting there awkwardly watching them

What to get mom for her birthday?

I am stumped! What should I get her? My mom doesn't carry a purse, wear perfume, wear watches, and doesn't care about manicures and pedicures! WHAT SHOULD I DO! O_O

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why havn't he propose?

This is a classic case of the guy getting cold feet. He's afraid to commit. Give him time. It is possible that he's cracking under all the pressure. If you love each other then you will work this out. Remember relationships are all about give and take.... make sure you give and receive... if you feel like that is not happening , then talk to him about it.

What is your opinion on the proposed circumcision ban in San Francisco?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can republicans defend and support the Ryan Bill after learning all this information from credible sources?

They are probably just happy someone stepped up to the plate to offer a solution, which is more than the other side can say.

Can i still get a pedicure with a planters wart?

the wart is on my heel its maybe half of the size of my pink fingernail..i am putting medicine on it..but will it be okay to get a pedi?

Good sad romance anime anyone?

good drawings would be great and it must have a female as the main lead. I've already seen Ayashi No Ceres, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Vampire Knight and i luv them. It must have romance-can be triangles, shoujo, magic girl...really anything but i kind of like it a bit sad. please do not mention school days or eflen lied. Thanx for your time. Links are great also but not nessacery.

What should I say to my dad?

Who are you talking to? Noone has answered and you have made comments like they did. Now man the **** up and tell him how you feel.

Kamikaze planes WW2........?

What type of planes did they use in the war. any more information about the planes or pilots would be really helpful :).

Has anyone had a period induced by a doctor?

I haven't had a period in about 8 months and my doctor proposed we induce it. Has anyone had a similiar experience? The thought of it kind of creeps me out. I would expect alot of side effects.

How difficult is it to dye your own tips?

I bought some cheap purple dye the other day, Beyond Zone Color Jamz( Raspberry Kamikaze) and I really want to do the tips tonight. Trouble is, I can't find anyone to do it for me. So now I have the choice of attempting it myself, or just waiting. If it's difficult, then I suppose it wont kill me to wait a few days.

Did Donald Trump Commit Political Kamikaze with his Protracted and Vicious Character Assassination of Obama?

Obama was voted into office, not for the content of his experience, but because of the color of his skin, and now America is suffering because of it. Martin Luther King Jr would be so disapointed.

Day Spa Party Help Please,,? :)?

you could get one of those mini personal massage things at walmart for like 15$. you could also get those fake nails at like CVS.

How does taking a complex B vitamin before drinking help?

Mixing all of that different crap upset your stomach. As far as the vitamin b goes. Alcohol drains your system of b vitamins. So if you drink a lot like 2 or more days per week you should take a super b complex at least once a day. If you only drink socially like a couple of times a month or just a couple beers over the weekend your fine with out it.

How do girls feel about foot fetishes?

I have been with several women and i'd say 90% have enjoyed it and found it very kinky/sensual...great foreplay as well....the majority have been in their 20s...younger girls seem to be very closed minded on this for what i personally like,i like girls who wear flip flops,wear toe rings,pedicure,especially french tips...kissing and sucking toes etc is just fun for me...what about the ladies? what do you think about it?

I think my son is going to propose to his girlfriend?

My son is 22 years old and his girlfriend is 36 yes its a huge age difference but i had accepted it my son met her in college last year and they just hit it off. Shes divorced with two kids and my son is great with kids he has a little sister shes 9 but anyway i think he is moving too fast with this relationship. My son has been asking me questions like how did dad propose to you my husband died when my son was only 5. I think that he is going to do something stupid tonight and regret it for the rest of his life he has a good job lives in an apartment but i still think hes not ready for marriage how do i stop my son ffrom making a big mistake?

Engagement question, ladies help, gents what did you do?

i want to propose to my girlfriend, we have been together for 4 years now. short story, i am happy with her and she is happy with me. i thought about proposing at the movies and in the theater having the screen in big text saying will you marry me, but there are a bunch of teens and im afraid they will ruin it and do idiotic stuff. ladies help out, how would you liked to be proposed? gents how did you propose? also, she is out in california right now, and i will be picking her up in 2 months at the airport, should i propose to her their when she arrives?

Are engagement rings priced at a bargain in Korea?

My SO is traveling to Korea for business next week, and I have been waiting and waiting for him to propose. My current thought is this...He can get custom made clothes and leather goods relatively cheap over there, could he be waiting for this trip to purchase an engagement ring at a bargain? Are they cheaper over there then in the US? And if they are cheaper, are they still quality? He was stationed over there for years when he was in the Army so he is quite familiar with the area.

Why did he leave me? What did i do?

I don't understand what i did wrong. What did i do wrong? We have been together since october. I did everything you ever asked me to do. I served you as best as i could and i never once complained. I did it with a smile even when i didn't feel like doing it at all. I told you that i loved you everyday and i meant it. I never cheated on you nor did i ever consider it. I asked permission before i did anything. I asked permission to sleep, to eat, to get a pedicure, to wear this, to wear that. I served you as best as any woman could. And today, you didn't speak to me. I don't understand. What didn't i do? What did i do wrong? If you would just tell me, i would make it right again and never repeat the same mistake. I love you and you promised to always love me. i believed you. i told you that someday you wouldn't love me, and you said you always would.

What book did macoto takahashi write?

I recently came across his work and wondered what book/ manga did he make? I saw the cover on Google images and saw it was the same one from Kamikaze girls and I would really like to know more about it and what it is called. Also maybe where I can get one... Thank you~!

I want to propose to my girlfriend again but I've ran out of ideas- I'm the BF using her other e-mail account.?

Wow bf, your too sweet. Not many would propose after a year ir at all. There are so many cliche ways to do it....the ring in the wine trick, in food, yadda yadda but maybe you should ask her family, they know her best right. If not right there as the fireworks are going off, bended knee, it will probably make her cry. Its special for your whole family to see you experience that, its romantic to show the world you love someone, wow. Im jealous! Good luck. P.s. Make sure you get permission from her parents first!! Some people are old fashioned.

Question about a drink recipe?

I just want to know is there a drink already called something with vodka, or vanilla vodka, and sweet n sour? I know its a kamikaze w triple sec, but im not big on the taste of that, so I just use those 2. Is there a[nother] name for thst or no?

Any animes like these?

Kuroshitsuji, also known as Black Butler is all about demons and angels. It has a lot of funny moments and is just pretty awesome all 'round (:

What should I say to my dad?

Recently, my dad proposed to someone he has been dating for 8 years (ever since my mom and him were separated). We came out to colorado on vacation this year like we do every summer. The other night I told him after all these years how thankful I was of him helping me through the hard times in my life and being an amazing dad. My dad has never lied to me and never will and I know it so don't question that. This week his fiancee, who by the way I've only met 2 times before, came out with us. My dad has bookoos of money and my dad buys stuff for her all the time and I have a suspision that she is gold digging. Usually the whole family (my grandparents, aunt, uncle, brothers) spends time together at the cabin as a family, but this week my dad has been trying so hard to impress her that this isn't the case. They keep saying there's nothing to do at the house and my dad keeps taking them into town and spending all of his money on them. Also, my dad's fiancee and his daughter usually lock themselves in their room to go to bed early and don't wake up until late. I feel like this is a family vacation and we should spend time as a family. BUT! My dad is so happy with her and I don't want to ruin that for him. On top of that, my dad sucks up to them and does whatever they want to do and tries so hard to impress them that he has to go out of his way and try so hard to keep them entertained. IDK what I should say to him, I want him to be happy, but I also don't want things to be like this for too long. I will be moving out soon and right now my dads happiness is my number 1 priority.

A Sims 3 Question for the experienced players.?

I was wondering if sims outside of the playing household can propose. Eg. A sim I created being suprised with a marriage proposal from Rafael Striker? Or do I always have to initiate them through my sims in the game? -Thanks!

Can someone give me advice?

Well, I have a friend well a gf and yes I am a girl. And we jus recently started dating. We both already have "husbands". My bf proposed to me and her bf proposed to her. And we both started to become bi curious and we thought it would be better to experiment together instead of with another girl. Both of our bf's agreed that this was okay cus her bf is my bestie and my bf is her bestie. I was jus wondering if staying in this relationship is worth it because we already know what we want in the end... HELP!

He won't propose, is it time to walk away? ?

The more pressure you put on the guy the less likely it is to happen. Why not be that cute carefree girl he must of fallen in love with, and believe me that ring will soon appear,

What does it mean when two people dream the same dream that don't even know eacother and finally met in real l?

Ok so i been having this dream for two years and i take a girl out to dinner and propose to her and then we get married and finally this year I met the girl in my dreams. And she has had the same exact dream that i had. which is pretty weird. I don't know what this means but she thinks its meant to be

Need to lose weight before wedding day?

hi there, I did have this same issue since forever that it seemed hopeless. I used to take all kinds of pills. Till a friend show me these tips, I was a bit skeptical at first. I saw some results after 2 weeks, but I was starting to love myself again. After losing that initial weight, which was such a great experience, I started working on my diet habit to maintain my results. I can't remember that last time I was this light. This is the place:

Do women love compliments or what?

I have on several several occasions complimented a womans toes,especially if they are done with a pedicure,I've gotten great responses and other times i've been ignored,I'm quite cordial when I say something too,I don't just come in an aggressive manner,I say "hey,nice pedicure" or "hey i like that toe ring" or "your hair looks great" just curious if women out there like compliments from a guy on the street...I could understand if you're in a relationship you may not want to act on a compliment,but I figure women are beautiful and I'm not afraid to tell them.

Which should i watch (Easy 10 points)?

you should watch either Card captor Sakura or Fruits Basket next, both are great, i think CCS is so cute, i haven't finished Fruits Basket, I'm on episode 24, but it is really good, also you might want to consider adding Shugo Chara to your list, i'm planning to watch that one, it seems really good!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I want to cook a 3 course meal for my hubby's bday on monday. he loves prawns and mushrooms.?

I want something that is nt complicated to cook. By the way its we having cold evenings so the desert has to be warm o sumthing. Besides cooking was thinking of a massage and a pedicure. Anymore ideas welcome

Why Do People Care So Much What Your Nails Look Like?

Lets put it this way, if someone had horrible, grubby fingers with lots of dirt under the fingernails, and the nails were stubby... what would you think? that they don't wash and maybe don't have a lot of money, but if you see someone with nice manicured nails and hands. You would think they are clean and quite wealthy. So it is all about what people will think of them..

Will he ever Propose if he hasn't already?

If money is tight, could you forgo any ring at all? If you want the commitment, and he says he would be willing to get married, you don't need a ring to say that you're "engaged," as long as you both agree that you are going to get married. As for getting married, if you can both be satisfied by going to the courthouse with your kids and close family, maybe you can convince him that there's no reason to wait. Years from now you can have a vow renewal when you don't have two young children to care for.

Guys, which 1 of these girls would u like better?

I dig option 2, she sounds like more fun than going shopping and trying to impress a bunch of people that I honestly don't care for, plus our interests in music and movies line up WAY better.

Having problems with GF, called her my "EX" and now she is distant?

admit you were being an a**hole and suck up to her big time... you f**ked up buddy and you may have just thrown the relationship down the toilet... sorry

Should i propose to the girl i love?

Im in love with this girl, but something tells me that i shouldn't get married because i live a dangerous life. Sometimes being a bounty hunter sucks.

Manicure/Pedicure question?

Okay so I want to know what that stuff that the manicurists spray on you is. Like you know when you go and get a manicure or a pedicure and sometimes they will have a spray can that they will spray on your nails after they're painted? Well I want to know what that stuff is called, what it does, and if anyone knows if it has parabens in it. If anyone knows what it is then please help me out here! Thanks a bunch!

Manicure or Pedicure?

I want to get a manicure or pedicure! I don't have enough for both. Should i get a manicure or pedicure? I just can't decide.

What are some really short animes?

Tales of Symphonia the animation - There are only eight episodes. It's not as good as the video game, but they did an amazing job with it. Each episode is around 40 minutes long. The action is amazing, the music is fantastic, and story is incredible. It's on Youtube, so you could finish it in one day if you want.

He said I'm 'not his type'? Confused....?

Ok, im gonna tell you straight up that you better not EVER see this guy or talk to him again. cut off all contact. This dude is a douchebag. although you are legally an adult the dude is 6 yrs older than you which means he has 6 yrs more experience than you & knows more things. 9 times out of 10 he was "looking down" ( go for someone way younger than him) was b/c he thought he could get in your pants. he obviously told you what you wanted to hear (aka lied), "loved your personality and said you were beautiful." Screw your insecurity, you must love yourself before alowing someone else to do so. The only person you can really change is yourself, never change for a guy & please dont be stupid enough to think you can change a guy (idk why us girls are wired to think we can!) Based on my experience, yeah he was checking you out while watching the movie & hes probably pissed you didnt make out with him. I can relate to the hearing impairment thing, (but anyone could have trouble hearing while a loud car is making tons of noice, ugh) anyway, he could have been annoyed at having to repeat himself? idk..he didnt have the patience to deal with your shyness (he wants sex). he is just a douchebag, trying to make you feel bad about your body telling you want he is into. ugh! just dump this looser, dont feel bad about not looking good enough for this dick, find a real guy who likes you for who you are & doesnt want you for just sex. idk a/b you but im not in favor of online relationships/meeting people online, it just doesnt feel like a very "human" way to meet someone, i prefer meeting in person/face 2 face because its like your getting to know/meet the real person from the beggining. basically you are not "his type" because he could not get what he wanted, dont cry over this douche upgrade and find someone better, preferably someone closer to your age.

FMA Live Action movie?

If your asking if I think the movie should be made, NO!. But this will be much more interesting since FMA is more westerly. I'm pretty sure hollywood is good at medieval age european movies. They would have to stay true to the story for this to be a good franchise. Along with great writers and of course a fitting cast for the roles.


I was going to school suddenly I recognized that I had left my important file at home, so I was searching a telephone booth to say my brother that to bring that file to me, I saw a telephone booth, when I went near, I saw an extremly beautiful girl there, and I fell in love with her, yes, that was love at first site. Now I want to propose that girl, and tell her that how much I love her, But whenever I see her I become extremly nervous. I am smart, good lucking, but still I become nervous when I see her. PLEASE HELP ME AND SUGGEST ME WAYS TO PROPOSE HER!

If you ever were about to debut in WWE what gimmick would you like to debut as.?

greased hair big muscle's enter arena with chicks cars, and taunt the audience sayiing I can steal there girl friends and kick their assesat will

1 year anniversary gift idea?

On july 9 me and my girlfriend will have been dating for a year. I want to give her the best day ever. I plan on spending the whole day with her then coming back to my house in the night. I want to do something for her that would make her happy and surprise her. (For example this video except obviously i am not proposing, just that idea.) i am only 14 years old so i can't drive her anywhere so i need something that we could do within walking distance. i was thinking something to do with the beach because there is one very near my house. There could be a surprise waiting for her when we get there or something. (the beach is private so there wouldn't be any other people there.) hopefully you can come up with some ideas for me. (Im not looking for presents to get her, im looking for things to do for her.)

Today I'm going to dye my hair using a brand called Beyond The Zone?

Two weeks ago i bleached and dyed my hair a red dye from Sallys beauty supply, The brand was called Ion or something. but it hasnt been that long and the color faded to a rusty orange. it looks kinda gross. i wanted to try the brand beyond the zone today, and i wanted to try the rasberry kamikaze one. i was wondering how long it lasts and if i'd be able to dye it over my now rusty orange hair. thankyou :)

Republicans: Should we balance the budget right now? If so, how would you would balance the budget?

Eliminate Obamacare and social security, increase the military budget for a global extermination of Islam.

My big toe hurts! what should i do?

it sounds like you got gout or that is starting to get it. you to see a doctor. it stats small and by the time they normally find out it is the hole foot. look it up and check it out. .

I have a question for people with foot / toe fetishes ?

i dont understand...... whats so good about feet?! they are gross! do you people have like a specific kind of feet you like? does it matter if theyre big or small? clean or dirty? pale or dark? nail polish or pedicured? what do you guys like about them?! and do girls have feet fetish or is it only guys?

How do I convince my mother to let me enroll in an online school?

I am midway through 8th standard, living in India, and honestly, the education just doesn't seem up to par. The teachers actually know less about their subjects than we do, and the atmosphere is just unfriendly. I proposed the idea of online schooling to my mother recently, as well as all the research I've been doing about the pros and cons, available schools and homeschooling laws in our country, but she's convinced that it won't offer me the same opportunities and education that a public school would. How should I convince her that I am quite sure that this is the right decision for me?

Ever since the Affordable Care Act passed, the conservative mantra has been "Repeal and Replace"?

Affordable Care Act? Call it what it is,unconstitutional communist program for killing off the baby boomers.

What Are Some Good Long Anime? No Blood, Not To Dark. Kinda Like Magical Girl Kinds?

I Like It When There Are Moments When You Just HAVE To Cry But I Don't Want Then Really Depressing And When There Are Moments It Kinda Makes You Feel Happy (YA I Know It Sound Kinda Cheesy But I'm A Girl! I Have My Cheesy Moments!) I Like Anime Like Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, There A Little Bit Of Action, She Transforms Into Something/Someone That Wouldn't Happen In Real Life And Then There Are Cute Moments When The Guy She Likes Is A Perv But Still Sweet! I Absolutely LOVE It When There's A Guy I Would Love To Be My BF! HaHaHaHa! I'm Getting Picky But Please Help Me If You Can!

What anime/manga would i like if ive seen/read the following:?

Are you sure you should be watching more anime and reading more manga before you finish all those that you've started? You're going to end up dropping most of those because you didn't give them all the attention they deserved.

Should i propose to the girl i love?

Im in love with this girl. But something tells me I cannot get married to her because I live a dangerous life. sometimes being a bounty hunter sucks.

Its a AP Biology 5th edition question please answer this question i will be so thankful to u...?

Female silkworm moths attract males by emitting chemical signals that spread through the air. a male hundreds of meters away can detect these molecules and fly toward there source. the sensory organs responsible for this behavior ore the comb like antennae . each filament of an antennae is equipped with thousands of receptors cell that detect the sex attractant. based on what i have here, propose a hypothesis to account for the ability of the male moth to detect a specific molecule in the presence of many other molecules in the air. what prediction does ur hypothesis make? design an experiment to test one of these predictions.

I am a 30 year old, attractive lesbian, and I tend to only attract straight women. What's the problem?

I used to get off on having one night stands with straight women when I was younger, and I did that all the time back in the day. Now, I am 30, and all i want is to date a real live lesbian, but whenever a girl shows an interest in me, she is either in a relationship with a girl already or straight. What am I doing wrong? I'm not butch, but I'm not femme. I am in-between. I don't wear dresses, but I dress alternative-90's ish. I like getting pedicures, have a bathroom full of beauty products, and I am 5'11". So i am in between. Help!

Clean nail salons without whirlpool tub in socal?

I am looking for a nail salon in the san fernando valley that does not use whirlpool tubs for pedicures. Any suggestions?

What is the cost of a French Manicure and Pedicure each?

I am from England, so a french manicure should cost around about $12 to $15 and take about 45 minutes and it be $15 to $18 for a pedicure and take about 50 minutes.

Are There Any Grooming / Day Spas for Men?

Just go to any 4 or 5 star luxury hotel. You will find spas for men there. Those spas cater to the resident guests as well as walk-in customers. Enjoy your time. *

Should the American people refuse to pay tax increase as well as health?

To pull our government out of debt, they propose to increase our taxes. What will they do next take 60% of our earnings. The government has already told us we have to pay the health bill.

In what states is it legal to marry a centaur?

I met my centaur love, Astrid, on a mythical creature dating site. She and I dated for three whole years until I finally proposed to her. Astrid and I were planning on marrying this month, but it recently came to our attention that human-centaur marriages are not allowed in Iowa. This infuriated and depressed us. I don't understand! In Iowa, centaurs are allowed to live among and enjoy the same rights as humans, but for some reason human-centaur marriages are extremely frowned upon. We are willing to travel across the country if it will allow my love and I to elope legally. PLEASE HELP ME.

Any good birthday ideas?

If you are afraid of going over budget bake a cake instead of buying one to save money. I'm sure it would be just as good as anything store bought

I am 19 years old, i like my 1 classmate, how i've to propose her?

Do not propose to a girl who you are not even dating. It's insane. Get to know her first and see if she likes you, before dating etc. Then if it's really working between you and you love each other, THEN propose.

How to handle a guy at work?

A guy i work with seems to be into shoes. He has remarked on several occasions that i wear the cutest shoes, up to now i didn't think anything of it. Today I was wearing some new sandals and he commented on them and my pedicure what was different is that I noticed he was um "aroused". I felt a little uncomfortable and left the room. I don't want to think he is some perv, how do i address this with him? Or do i? I don't want to embarrass him either, I know sometimes guys can't control when that happens. Advice please, he does seem like a nice guy overall.

What it is like to be married?I mean do guys change after marriage and what does it feel like 2 be married?

I am a 23 yr old girl.My boyfriend whom I have been dating for 3 months,has proposed marriage to me.I am suddenly scared.I mean Does marriage means a lot of sacrifices?Do women have to compromise with their careers to make marriage successful?What did you all feel about your married life?Is it any different than a relationship before marriage?

Does anyone know of a great spa in London?

I'm looking for a good spa in London. I need a pedicure, manicure, face treatment.. I need a day of spa treatment, really. Does anyone know of a good (reasonable priced) spa in London?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Want to apply for a fiance visa?

my girlfriend lives in ireland me in usa and she is 17 when she turns 18 i want to propose to her and get her a fiance visa and help her into the usa please id you would explain in great detail the steps and ways no websites the websites always use big words and stuff that confuse me and make me unsure please just tell me all i know is i need to meet her 1 time within 2 years of the fiance visa unless meeting her would be something that would hurt me in some ways i really love her alot and it is hurting me alot and making my chest hurt cause i have heart problems cause i think we wont be together and i have been through alot of heart break too much for one man to take in the period of time that it has gotten me then i meet her the perfect girl and laws say we cant be together please please help

Is it possible for a lady to propose to a man?

I am a married lady but I am going to divorce my husband for Justin Bieber. Btw I am 53 years old. I am going to his next concert very soon. I understand he is in a relationship with Selena Gomez but I am going to meet him and propose. So my question is can a girl propose to a boy?

Can you recommend an anime for me?

Kobato, Cardcaptor Sakura, Xxxholic; they are all by Clamp, which wrote Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and Full Moon wo Sagashite, becuase its by Arina Tanemura, who wrote Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. The anime I suggested are the ones you can watch, so if you want to read others, you should search for manga by authors you like.

I need some help from the girls...?

Ok. So obviously i am a guy, but i was thinking about getting a manicure/pedicure for my mom. How much does that cost (about) and what is it called when you put your feet into the tub thing? Is that cost extra? Thatnks!

College Essay Help?!?

So I am writing a paper for my English class, I have googled ideas but have not been able to come up with any thing. Out topic is to describe a problem and propose a solution. Some examples are the city budget, peace, equality, etc. Basically it has to be about a social problem in America, or the world, and what we can do to solve it, or at least make a difference.

It is safe to get a pedicure while sick with a cold?

Well, it's not dangerous to get a pedicure while you have a cold--no harm will come from it. However, you would be putting other people at risk of catching your cold, such as the person giving you the pedicure, plus you wouldn't be helping yourself out any if you're going out and about worrying about your beauty regimen instead of staying home getting some rest. A pedicure can wait, stay home, drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest, then worry about your feetsies when you're feeling better. :P

Super strict parents... What should I do?

I'm not allowed to wear skirts, skinny jeans, shorts above my finger tips, make up, straps less than two inches, shirts that show straps, anything lower than my palm... I HAVE NO FREEDOM IN STYLE WHAT SO EVER! I'm not allows to watch pg 13 movies, have any social network sights, email address with my real name (angel isn't my real name), have a cell phone, get my hair cut in a salong (my MOM cuts my hair), go to a salon to get manicures or pedicures, go places (shopping... Movies... Parties... Places to eat...) with my friends! I feel so isolated and I've tried talking sense into my parents before, NICELY! What should i do!

Hi i'm a gal who wish to make life useful... now i'm facing love failure could u help me to come out.. pls?

There are loads of ways to meet new guys. The world is full of them. Go out with your friends, go get a makeover, enjoy life to the fullest. you will definitely meet your guy..

My sisters aren't being supportive?

concentrate on your boyfriend not your sisters sweetie :) my self and my boyfriend got angaged at the end of april and are getting married this december. once the venue of the wedding is booked and payed for the rest does just tend to fall in to place :) main advice we have been given is book the dj if you want one first as they get booked up really fast.....good luck hun :) congrats :) x

Why is Obama telling us that Congress needs to do their job?

He's using scare tactics and threats to get what he wants. He does this continually with congress. If the Dems would have done their job in the first place, this wouldn't be happening right now. I guess their evil plan to trip up the Republican Congress backfired on them. Now they are having to deal with it. Obama made this country a mess in the first place, then he blames the Republicans in Congress, and Bush, but never the democratic congress under Bush. You see what an evil man he is? The progressives try to bulley everyone into doing their bidding. He's no different than they are. Chicago style politics at its worst. Slimebucket!

I bite my nails.........?

Okay so me and some of my friends are going to the spa to get facials. pedicures and manicures. My nails aren't short short, they r medium length. But my cuticles are messed up because i always bite the skin around my nails. Can i still get a manicure?

Are you not worried about countries going nuclear?

Frankly, I'm more worried about what a dictatorship like Iran will be using their nuclear plants for than than the plants themselves. Nuclear plants are known for being the old-fashioned method of creating plutonium for fission bombs. It was the very reason they were introduced to my country in the firstt place. Britain's first plant was Windscale, which the MacMillan government created so that Britain could keep up with America and the Soviets in the arms race. It was later used to create Tritium in order to create Britain's first hydrogen bomb (which it failed at). I had to be shut down after a disastrous accident which released dangerous amounts of radiation into the atmosphere. Since its closure, it is now better known as waste disposal site; Sellafeield

What are Pedicures like?

My mom really wants me to go with her to get a pedicure, but here's the thing, I've never had a pedicure and i'm very sensitve on my feet. My mom told me that they scrub your feet really good... and i do wanna get a pedicure becuse almost everyone i know has had one. i thnk what i'm trying to ask is how does it feal?

What is this on my foot?

This is so embarrassing. For the longest time I have had this thing on my foot that resembles a weird rash, but it does not itch. It never goes away. Basically, its tiny brown skin patches all along the sides of my feet. They are mostly in the area where the foot has the creases (next to that little ankle bone that is shaped like a ball), and on the other side close to where the foot usually arches. Sometimes I get frustrated and try to scratch the patches off with something sharp, and some of the patches come off. But they just come back. It is very frustrating because nobody ever knows what it is, and I don't know what kind of doctor could help this condition. I really want to get a pedicure, but I dread the look I will get when they see the sides of my feet.

I'm pan but I want a kid when I'm older?

Hi everyone. I'm a pansexual and I'm in love with my best friend who is bisexual. She sends me lots of love songs and told me she's in love with a girl and I'm about 80% sure it's me because I'm the closest girl to her. :'3 I want to ask her out, but I'm scared of what she will say. This weekend we're going to the park and I plan on asking her if she'd like to be my girlfriend. I know it's not the most romantic thing, but I'm really busy for the next few weeks and we can't really do anything except for the park because it was pre-planned. But the problem is, is that I live in America and gay marriage isn't allowed in here except for a few states. I would love to move to one of those, but there are issues that I don't wish to talk about. . . So I want to move to Canada with her. After highschool's out, I want to propose to her. But there's one problem: I can't give birth because she isn't a male. >.< I want to adopt a little girl but I've heard it could take a long time and lots of money, so I'm reluctant. Should I risk the money and adopt a child or just give it up? .. D: I'm sorry. I'm just confused from love. Help me, please. Should I really propose to her after I'm finished with college? Should I adopt a child if I do end up getting my perfect fantasy? Thanks. :).

Anime (romancy comedy) series suggestions...?

I can't believe no one's mentioned Miracle Train, which is my fav romantic comedy in years. Basically: there is a magical train in the Tokyo subway system which is ridden by a crew of gorgeous guys--each of whom is a personification of one of the stations on the route, sort-of the station's soul--and no one can board this train except a female passenger with a problem. Once she is aboard, she can't leave the Miracle Train until the stations have figured out her problem and solved it. --The problems aren't all romantic ones, but I'd still call it a romance-comedy, and it's just totally sweet. I loved it. =)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nails 4 U in parkway place mall.. huntsville Alabama?

I tryed to call and no one answered. so does anyone know how much they charge for their pedicures and if they would give a discount if i payed for 3 people?? thanks to the people who will take this seriously!(:

Christian celebrities?

Who is the most famous Christian celeb and how do I get a hold of them to help me propose to my wife?

I am in love with girl but she said no to me.... ?

I fell in love about 2 years ago with one girl at college but we didn't talk too much with each other.She give me smile at the examination hall after ending the exam & I felt I have a chance..then after we used to meet very rarely but she was definitely impressed by my approach & everyday I used to remember her in my mind all the day she is running.This year at valentines day I proposed her but she said no.may be she didnt expect it so earlier but now I just want her or forget her & I am just unable to do

What if I were to mix the dyes?

I'm in the mood to do a bit of experimenting with my hair colour. I normally dye it a light blonde, not white by any means, which looks rather natural with my very white colouring. I think I want it to be more white with a pink hue, though. If I were to mix a bit of lighter hair dye with some pink/purple dye I bought a while ago(nothing fancy- just Color Jamz. Raspberry Kamikaze) would this achieve this? Or should I just spring to get it done professionally?

What should i do?!?!?!?

Im having my bday soon!!! MY mom said go to a spa party go there in a limo eat after orrrrrrr................. Go to the mall and use the money for the party for clothes and jewelry forever 21 love culture!!!!!! sooooo! wat should i do now?! the spa contains finger foods manicure and pedicure cupcakes apple cider makeup hair stuff..... and yup! wat should i do?

Need more ipod touch 4g aps?

i recently got my 4th gen ipod touch and ive downloaded almost a page of aps. i bought angry birds camwow live profile istunt 2 papijump falldown papertoss pacman skaterfree kamikaze rase and dismount. any other good free or cheep aps?

Do guys get turned off by a bigger foot size?

It's not your feet. They guy was a jerk. If you met him on POF he may have been just looking to hook up. You probably appeared to be lady rather than a ho-bag so you weren't his type.

How do you pronounce kamikaze 神風 correctly?

This word has always haunted me because I always pronounced it the way it is read--- kah-mee-kaa-zay, but every time I hear someone else say it they say kaa-maa-kaa-zee. says kaa-maa-kaa-zee buy I found another site that told me my pronunciation was I'm hoping to find someone who actually reads japanese---神風--- to tell me how the word is actually pronounced.

What is an unique and cheap birthday gift for a 25 year old girl?

You can check out some online gift stores if you are unsure what kind of gifts to get. There is one store that I found that has a bunch of unique gift items, electronics, gadgets, keychains, and other interesting items. I bought a few things from them and the people I gave it to like it a lot. The stuff there is pretty cheap. They also have free shipping and they deliver fast. a href="" rel="nofollow"

What if I have a truly "original" novel idea?

EVERYTHING'S BEEN DONE BEFORE. LOL, just playing. If you have an original idea try to write a story using your idea.

What does a nother guy give to his boyfriend when he wants to propose?

Ask him right before you go shopping. Tell him ti set aside the whole afternoon. Ask and then take him to the store. When you ask him on one knee, or however you want to do it, give him your hand, and a ticket that says "one way to kay jewelers" or where you are going.

Need for speed most wanted problem?

i have reached to KAMIKAZE rival and i completed all the races but the milestones events are locked how what do i need to do?

Why are Americans all PRO JAPAN now? Does anyone remember WW2 My grandpa does an he still hates Japan?

The USA has been pro-japan for 40+ years. Where you been living? I hope you aren't writing this on a computer with a MONITOR! It was likely made using technology created by the Japanese! If so, I think you should honor your grandfather and fall on a sword!

Is this a good business idea?

I've realised recently that in my area there aren't any places that have hair/naill salon type places for men. Myself and a lot of my straight friends like having a good place for hair cuts and beard trimming, and a pedicure is always relaxing. Do you think a hair/nail/massage parlor marketed specifically to men would be a success or a flop. I live in Athens, GA, about an hour outside of Atlanta. I would open the business in either Athens or Atlanta. Thanks in advance for your answers.

My girlfriend doesn't have alot of friends and asked me to get her toes done with her, what should I do?

FYI - I'm a guy and her bf not her bfff or whatever. She's been lonely lately cuz all her friends are in different places and she asked me if I would go with her and get a pedicure. She says she will pay but only if I get my toes painted pink. Should I? I don't want to be wasteful and take the polish off immediately but how long does it last? I wear shoes mostly so its not like anyone will know but is this a month commitment/ Week?

Anime exactly like kamikaze kaitou jeanne?

i love kamikaze kaitou jeanne.. it had comedy and romance but it was kinda sad in the middle to the end but i still liked it.. i dont care if there is magic i just want them to be in high school.. that has romance and comedy.. ^^

If you get a pedicure before going to the beach will the sand hurt it?

It can. Sand is an abrasive... hence why it's used in sandpaper. It probably won't do much damage to the nails, but if you have polish on them, it may chip or scratch.

What color nail polish should i wear?

i have graduation coming up. and i have black heels for the graduation and later that night i have red heels for a dinner/dance. but now i have no idea what color nail polish to wear. both heels are pumps but have that opened toe thing. so any suggestions??? *also my nails are too short for a french pedicure... so yeah*

Would you enjoy a pedicure party?

Would you and several of your friends enjoy a pedicure party where the pedicurists are men and they are waiting on you hand and foot? I imagine this would be a lot of fun where the men are serving hors d'oeuvres and wine. What do you think?

What age do you think is right for marriage?

I personally think/want to get married around the age of 25 or 26 because i believe before that we should live our lives cause once were married, than we'll be married for the rest of our lives so what's the rush?

Will i go to hell if i do this?

Ok, if i kamikaze into a moose will i go to hell? My friend says i won't but he says i will if i do it in Canada. Is this true?

Girls, what do you think of a male Manicure/Pedicurist?

Giving you service? I'm a well clean, groomed, good manner Pedicurist. Yes I work at a nail salon and I know my position is rare. However in this economy I will do anything for money. Anyway some of customers really like me and gives me better tips than other girls at the salon. However some of them rejects me for no reason. They asks for a girl pedicurist. What do you think when a male pedicurist giving you a pedicure, manicure, and foot massage?

Is raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for government overspending fair?

Obama and the Democrats are proposing tax increases for the wealthy in order to raise revenue. Shouldn’t they be looking to cut as much as virtually possible in government spending (that wouldn’t have a drastic impact on the economy) before coming to tax payers (of which the rich contribute the majority of tax revenue) and asking for more of their earned money to pay for government’s mistakes? Also, would increasing taxes on the wealthy have any real impact on the deficit?

Great Romantic Anime That Won't Bore Me?

Junjou Romantica is my favorite ^_^ I realize it's a BoyXBoy thing, but there really isn't anything wrong with it, it has great looking characters, comedy and romance.

What should I say when i propose my girl friend? And how should I pop up the proposal question?

Make it romantic, she will remember it no matter what but you want it to be a unique experience for her. Last Christmas my brother wrapped his Gf's ring and handed it to her and when she opened it got on one knee and then gave her a little speech on how he aint much, cant give her much, but he can offer her his love for the rest of their lives and then popped the question; and with tears of joy running down her cheeks, she embraced him and said yes. Iv'e also seen a friend do something similar but it was for her birthday and he put her ring into a cupcake and said that was all he got her for her birthday and when she started to eat it, he got on a knee and popped the question. There is 2 examples, just word of advice, make it unique, remember she will not forget it, dont be nervous, and just be yourself.

Is it safe to shave then swim the same day?

Ive heard its not good to shave then get a pedicure the same day, so I was wonderin if shaving then swimmin the same day is the same case.

Are men turned off by big feet?

Hi my name is Kim and I'm 17 :) I'm 5'4 1/2 and I wear a size 10-11 in women shoes and size 8-9 in men. I hate my big feet and I wish I wore a size 7. Most females around my height have small to medium feet. Are men turned off by large feet? They are smooth and pretty and I always get pedicures.

Do you like my proposed NBA name changes?

Wolfpack is ok I guess but I don't care about the T-wolves anyways. I think the Hornets and Jazz should stay the same

Girls, what do you think of a male Manicure/Pedicurist?

Giving you service? I'm a well clean, groomed, good manner Pedicurist. Yes I work at a nail salon and I know my position is rare. However in this economy I will do anything for money. Anyway some of customers really like me and gives me better tips than other girls at the salon. However some of them rejects me for no reason. They asks for a girl pedicurist. What do you think when a male pedicurist giving you a pedicure, manicure, and foot massage?

Any suggestions on a great way to propose to my lady?

She is in Norway right now but I want to ask her the "Question" but I feel that Skype is a sort of lame way to go about it but I want to ask her anyway any suggestions as to how I can do it and make it really romantic where she'll not expect it at all?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Research in IT : about SEO of a website?

maybe publish research article is a good idea, exclude you may try to use google adsense, which is also useful way.

Are men turned off by big feet?

Hi my name is Kim and I'm 17 :) I'm 5'4 1/2 and I wear a size 10-11 in women shoes and size 8-9 in men. I hate my big feet and I wish I wore a size 7. Most females around my height have small to medium feet. Are men turned off by large feet? They are smooth and pretty and I always get pedicures.

Do women like to have their feet pampered?

my girlfriend loves it when I massage her feet. Sometimes when she's tired from working all day, I'll even kiss her feet and suck on her toes cause she loves it and it leads to more(ofcourse she washes them and gets pedicures) what is weird is I only do it cause she likes it, not cause I have a fetish, I actually don't. But I do like to please mt woman, are their many ppl into it?

What nails and shoes should i get for this dress? help!?

do silver french tips with a little pink flower or something(: it will look young and fun with edge, hope i helped!

Do these ideas make up sexy fingernails and toenails?

matrixectomies sound nasty, not having toenails is just... unnatural. it's super creepy if guys have perfectly groomed hands and nails but if they're long and super dirty then that's not good either. as for bitten fingernails, as long as they don't look like you got hungry and decided to eat your fingers, then i guess it's okay... i don't think i've actually seen that though....

How much would it cost a school to offer Drivers Ed?

It was 450 dollars 15 years ago. Get 10 hours of classroom and 4 hours of private one by one teacher all alone in car under label students driver.

Going to give a pedicure to my mom for her birthday?

I think it will be far more expensive and troublesome to do it at home for her. You should just buy a gift certificate for 20 or something, and give her a basic pedicure at the salon.

My boyfriend and I want to get married, but...?

his mom got married young and then got divorced so she has a bad view on it. We're both 18 and have been going out for a year and a half. My parents know how I feel and they've accepted. My boyfriend doesn't want to tell his mom yet because we both need to go to college and he doesn't want his parents to kick him out if he proposes. We're waiting to have sex until we're married so living together is not an option and we were planning on having a long engagement. How do we tell his parents without them completely overreacting?

How tall is Aida Kamikaze?

IT might be an odd question, but I need to know. How tall is Aida Kamikaze? An estimate is fine, I'm just a bad judge of height. Anyone have a guess at weight either?

Why Do People Care So Much What Your Nails Look Like?

I'm the same way. I mean, I like getting my nails done everything once in a while (maybe twice a year) but not on a regular basis. It's kind of weird to get those reaaally long ones in my opinion, they kind of creep me out. Maybe I'm the wrong person to answer because I'm not any nail person, but just giving my opinion haha (: Hope this helped!

My parents are very homophobic?

My birthday is on July 20th and I am having a Sweet 15 because next year I will be in Germany for a month visiting my dad's family so I'm having my big party this year and I've already planned. My friends who are girls and I will go to a day spa and get a pedicure, manicure, get our hair done, and we will get massages. After, we will go dress shopping and a limo will pick us up and take us to the city where my parents rented a ballroom at a very nice hotel. The guys will meet us there but only the girls will stay at the hotel. However, I was making invitations and writing a guest list for about one hundred people and I talked about the people who will be coming with my parents and one of my closet friends is a guy and he is gay. He acts very gay with his voice and hand motions and dresses very stylish and Feminine but he is still fun to be around but my parents say he is not allowed to come because he is gay. I asked why and they said that I should know and that is their only response and I got so angry and got into an argument with them. They are being so mean and now are saying I will not have any party because I wanted to invite a queer! Any advice on what I should do?

A anime/manga like Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne?

Does anyone know a good anime/manga like kamikaze kaitou Jeanne? I've already read all the arina tanemura manga by her and they're all really good. if you can please add a author like her. Thanks!

What are some animes for 10 year olds?

Most of those that you named off are perfectly age appropriate, but I guess Pokemon is probably your best bet.

Any recommended Japanese or Korean Movies to watch?

Memoirs of a Geisha? I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for but I thought it was a super good movie.

I need ideas for proposing to my girlfriend?

Ok so im planning to propose to my girlfriend very soon, only thing is I need help on how to do it?!? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Anyone else think the Republicans should simply propose a bill to do away with the debt ceiling?

After all, it doesn't put a ceiling on the debt since every time we come close to it, congress passes a bill to go passed it. Why have it then?

How can republicans defend and support the Ryan Bill after learning all this information from credible sources?

They are probably just happy someone stepped up to the plate to offer a solution, which is more than the other side can say.

What is a good anime to watch?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see Rorouni Kenshin or Vampire Knights on that list. Love the first one. Experimenting with the second.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Once the republicans destroy government, will they destroy the rights of the gay community?

The republicans are economic kamikazes and social taliban. They don't care about suffering all they want to do is destroy, destroy, destroy! Obama's pres secretery is so outraged, he called it a game of political chicken, except Obama is parked and flashing his high beams telling them to get of of his lane.

Should I feel guilty about breaking up with him?

His parents have called me names, he has done many hurtful things like, not respecting me, always threatening to kick me out or get a restraining order, abusing me, not being supportive of my career, trying to sabotage my success, doesn't treat my like a girlfriend or respect me, makes me his servant, expects massages, pedicures, haircuts, facials, me to wait on him hand and foot, doesn't want me to have time for myself, gets mad if i try to spend time with anyone else, spends all the holidays, special occassions with his family and his family hates me and I barely seen them 3 times the whole time i have dated him. They hate me because i didn't come out and visit when they were over which i didn't want to see them in the first place. They were there to see their son and on the first day they were bossing me around and his parents were putting me and my dog down. So I stayed in my room the rest of the time they were here to avoid conflict. I can't seem to get past the fact his dad said i was a piece of ****. I don't even know his father. I just have a lot of hurt from this relationship and he doesn't let me move on.

I need a new anime to watch?

Sailor Moon, highschool if the dead, detective Conan, d. Grayman, are all very good! I recommend all of them!

Girls around me suggesting i get mani/pedi?

Do what YOU want to do - my boyfriend would have never gotten a mani/pedi before he met me, but now he actually goes with me once in awhile! There's nothing wrong with being groomed and feeling good about yourself. If you're too self conscious and think it'll look gay, don't do it. I think it's sexy to be hygienic and look clean, so I say go for it.

My boyfriend just proposed!! ... But my mother banned me from seeing him as a result..?

Do what your heart tells you to do. if you really love your fiance like you say then dont let none get in between you guys.

Anyone find that when they don't wear socks, toenail care becomes more important?

I rarely wear socks. But what i find is my toenails grow differently; they tend to curve toward the fleshy part of my toe. This causes pain; i must give myself pedicures every day. Anyone else notice a difference if u never wear socks.

Its 2 am and I am bored waiting for a call, should I paint his dogs nails and give him a pedicure?

My BF is in Australia visiting his family and I am waiting for his call... I am soooo Bored so should I do it?

Survey: If you sent me a picture of you right now what would I see?

If I sent you one you would see me sitting at the computer, drinking coffee, hair in a high ponytail, white baby doll shirt, pink panties, purple with white polka dot pedicure (no socks) you?

Where can I find a locking engagement ring box?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to propose a young lady?

Before proposing, make sure that she likes you and your company. Then gradually, tell her what you want to tell but be easy.

I have a question about my sister. I really want to propose?

a toast at her wedding reception this weekend, but I am not the maid of honour or the best man. Do you think it would be OK for me to make a speech?

Anyone find that when they don't wear socks, toenail care becomes more important?

I rarely wear socks. But what i find is my toenails grow differently; they tend to curve toward the fleshy part of my toe. This causes pain; i must give myself pedicures every day. Anyone else notice a difference if u never wear socks.

Foot massage with a brush?

They may be using a tactile brush. I had to use one of those because i have tactile hypersensitivity issues and it is suposed to help (I hate it) as to why they would be using it at a nail and massage place for feet (of all places) i have no idea. Seems odd to me.

Sorry for the long story,i have two poblem and i dont know which one is bigger one is related to my best frien?

i know how it hurts wen a girl loved by you loves another guy . Just think will you love a girl wen you are in love with someone . . Dont feel guilty and look after the friend who is very close to you ,. You may get a good pair later in your life but not a good friend . So dont lose your friend and spend more time with her

What do you guys think happend here( Advise me ) LOTS OF DETAIL?

I know what the problem is: your to clingy. Give her some space leave her alone. You always do what she wants to do, girls don't like that. You come off like you don't have a personality. So that's why she doesn't like you so just move on and whatever you do, DO NOT wish her a happy birthday!!

What nails and shoes should i get for this dress? help!?

do silver french tips with a little pink flower or something(: it will look young and fun with edge, hope i helped!

Is there some good good Romance animes?

well i know some but i din't think i've ever come across a non sappy romance anime. theres peach girl, fruits basket, and if otomen is and anime then go for it because the manga is exceptional. if u like pandora hearts then try black butler, it's a little dark and has a hint of romance just be sure to watch the subs.

Is man responsible for the Mississippi flooding this year?

It may be like that age-old question, "If a tree falls in the woods where no one is there to hear, does it make a sound?" Similarly, if people weren't living beside the Mississippi, would we still call it a flood? People always seem to manage to make natural disasters worse than they should be by careless building in dangerous places and making cockamamie decisions. The Endangered Species Act signed by Nixon has been abused since it was enacted. It seems these well meaning Republicans are always seem to be signing these feel good legislation and agencies that end up having catastrophic unforeseen and unintended consequences. If Man were declared an endangered species, maybe we could have some protection from these feel good laws. Perhaps we could use AGW and declare man as the most endangered species and therefore deserving of extra protrection.

Gravitation Questions?

mass is the major aspect which responsible for increase in gravitational force between two bodies. irrelative of density and radius

Is it possible that 911 was not meant for americans but for a group of non US citizens?

World Trade Center was like an international business place meeting where people world wide came and do business,and i bet WTC hosted all kinds of mob meetings and very discrete people,dangerous people,strange people.They could not pass the security to enter so they take 2 planes and go kamikaze,just to set the score,to get rid of the evidence,no witnesses.This was an act of terror but the target was not the USA people,only they where wrong place at the wrong time,collateral.Is it possible?Thank you!

Girls, what do you think of a male Manicure/Pedicurist?

Giving you service? I'm a well clean, groomed, good manner Pedicurist. Yes I work at a nail salon and I know my position is rare. However in this economy I will do anything for money. Anyway some of customers really like me and gives me better tips than other girls at the salon. However some of them rejects me for no reason. They asks for a girl pedicurist. What do you think when a male pedicurist giving you a pedicure, manicure, and foot massage?

Romantic Manga/Anime With A Bad Boy?

The Honey x Honey Drops manga and OVA would be perfect for you, it fits all your criteria except it's sort of ecchi and the girl is kinda ditzy otherwise it'd be exactly what you would want :)


i feel lonely, rejected, depressed, unwanted, unloved, friendless, even when i have some friends but not "true friends" they aren't bad or anything but just call when they want to hang out once a month. or maybe they aren't friends at all then. I feel empty like my life has no propose or reason. The strange thing is a feel depressed most of the time but i feel like i don't want to change it. maybe im scared of the unknown or maybe i just like self pity. I think i need help but I don't know hot to talk to my parents about it. I haven't spoke to them in days. I stopped trying to make them care or listen cause I'm sure they won't. I felt this from many things and not just a thing triggered all that. what should i do?

***Does anyone still play Cod 5 for wii?***?

If you do give me ur friend code please.I am a beast and my screen name is Sgt.Kamikaze.This is for 2011.I will check this tomorrow.This is very important.

What are some good magical girl animes?

Powerpuff girls Z a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you wish that you had a clone so you could give YOURSELF a foot massage/pedicure?

Like if you had an exact replica of yourself (not a twin, you're both you). I know you could do it now, but it feels better when someone else does it, and only you know exactly how you like it.

Any anime that fits this description?

i like romance and comedy. i like it if the boy or girl play hard to get, and if there is little romance in every episode, cuz it keeps it interesting. :P I would prefer it to be a little funny. Some animes that I watched and that fit this description would be Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Vampre Knight, and Kaichou Wa Maid Sama, (LOVED THIS ONE.) So If you have any anime similar to these please tell me :D

What to get at nail salon?

I am a guy and girls told me i should get a pedicure and a manicure and thats why my nails look ugly and i never knew that so i decided to give it a try but what subjects do they give like what to ask for? cause i dont want to ask for the wrong thing and end up with my toenails red with flowers on them so im a guy and i decided to give it a try cause doing it myself makes it looks ugly so what should i get for guys?

Would you ever go with your gf to get a pedicure?

So i asked my bf if he would come with me to the nail salon right in the beg of our relationship hes like of course im confident a month later im taking him up on it and was like so ur coming with me right? hes trying to go around it and changing the subject and saying do i have to? im not gonna pressure him anymore but i think itd be cute if he would come atleast get a foot massage.

[Ramadan] Are they really building an enormous beautiful mosque at ground zero?

I don't believe the date is true, but the plans to build it are true. But let's look at the picture. That's blocks away from ground zero. There's already several mosques closer than that, and people would complain about a mosque anywhere in ny at this point

Bachlorette party for a 19 year old?

My best friend is 19 years old and so am I. She's getting married next month and I need some bachlorette party/bridal shower ideas. We're thinking Dave and Buster's, a little drinking at home, pedicures, manicures, a personal shower with lots of naughty gifts...stuff like that. I need some ideas that are somewhat inexpensive, but will still make her happy.

How old were you when you got married?

I am just wanting to hear stories. I have been thinking a lot about getting married at a young age. Yes my boyfriend and I have talked but we both agree that we aren't ready...we are only 18. Again I don't want to be lectured to not do it or even to do it because I am not going to yet. I would just like to know that marriage is possible even if it you didn't get married at a young age. What makes you still love the same spouse after 20+ years of marriage. What is it that still gets on your nerves? Do you have the same values? How did he propose what was the wedding like? But the two answers I want most are how old were you when you got married and how long were you together? I know it's personal but I am just curious.

Where can I still find Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite manga?

Please give me a website where I can still find to buy Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite manga. A website that doesn't have a high shipping for Europe. Please!

How often do you you get a manicure/pedicure?

Whenever I want to; I'm 15, and i do it myself and sometimes my mom, aunts, or cousins do it for me.

I lost a bet with my sister?

im a boy and 14..ok my sister bet me it was gonna rain and i said no we bet and i lost now i have to let her give me a frenc pedicure no socks for the whole time i have them done and when we dont have to wear uniform to school i have to wear jandles or flipflop so i cant hide my lovley french tips [her words]worse for physical eduication we have to have bear feet.and any kinda nails she said she was thinking of hot pink OMG she said she wass gonna do my tips of my toes and then do the rest a very light pink BUT i have to choose the couler of the tips and she has to agree so no clear or black so what couler should i do ps she also said that if i pick them or pupisley try and take them of she will paint them again and my time for how long i have them on will start again.

After WWII, why did Japan choose to become a less aggressive country?

Like Germany and Italy during WWII, Japan was led by an oppressionist leader, thinking of the country before the people. Therefore, you must consider that most of them were doing it with little choice, because they had to. They were also convinced it was the "right thing", at the time, but I suppose they also knew that they would suffer the same fate (nuclear bombing) again if they were to rule under such a government once more.

Here is a list of Federal Government Programs - When a state has a duplicate program can we eliminate the Fed?

Never happen. Libs would NEVER vote their special areas out of existance. But I like your thinking.

10 weeks pregnant, safe to get a pedicure?

I just don't know what to say. I think I need to move to another country if this is what ours has come to.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Should boys get a Pedicure?

I was just curious what people think about boys/guys getting pedicures. I am thinking of going to get one but not sure if I should. Do they feel good? Should I feel out of place there cus I think mostly girls will be there. Thanks for the advice.

What colour should I paint my nails?

I want to do a pedicure, and do not know what colour I should go with. Should I go with something bright, something darker, or neutral. Most of the nailpolishes I own are in the pink, purple and red tone family. The neutral one is like white or a pedicure colour like a french manicure base coat.

Is 45 dollars too much to pay for a pedicure?

This local spa is offering this pedi deal where you get an aroma-therapy-type water with real rose petals and they scrub your feet and paint them the color you pick? Do you think that 45 is too much to ask for?

Swiss beats new shoes?

They do kinda look like generic Jordans, but i don't like that zig-zag design they got going on. The only pair that looks rockable for me is the black on black one

What is a foot scrub that gives you a real "pedicure" effect?

mix patrolium jelly and epsom salt and rub it on your feet, then rinse. After your feet are rinsed and dried thickly cover your feet/leg with a moisturizer do not rub it in all the way though. PUt on some socks and let sit for a couple of hours (overnight is best) then your feet should be good as new

What should I do on my bday?

So I'm turning 19 next week and I swear I'm gonna be spending it alone. I've lost all my closest friends, there's no point in trying to reconnect with them now.. And I'm REALLY not close to my family at all. We are not really getting along... Soo I'm all lonely LOL. my usual days are coming home from school and just staying home all days & weekends. I don't even go out and socialize no more. I usually do things on my own now ( shopping, getting manicures/pedicures,etc) I'm boring cause I've stopped drinking & smoking weed so yeah, it made me lose touch with alot of people I've had. So what do you think i should do? What would you do?

Things to do before a pedicure?

I'm going today to get a pedicure and I don't know if I should like remove the polish already on there or cut my nails before I go. I've had them before but for some reason I can't remember what I should do or what would be polite to the person taking care of me. I feel really clueless and I'd rather not go but I have vacation next week:P

Asking her dad for a blessing before what age does this end?

I'm almost 30 and my fiancee is 26 and lived on her own when we got engaged. I still called her father on the other side of the country and asked his blessing to propose. It's just the thing to do.

Where can i download this song?

I have been looking for the karaoke version of the song: put the blame on mame by rita hayworth. Could you propose some way that i could download it for free? Thanks in advantage!

How can republicans defend and support the Ryan Bill after learning all this information from credible sources?

Easy, they were not told about any of this by FOX or their local Republican Party source so they are not considered credible.

Moms, do you feel sexier after a pedicure?

I also got a pedicure today. I don't have a favorite color...I usually switch it up. I got a deep turquoisy color today, with a flower on the big toenail. I had red before that. I do feel sexier and just better overall after getting pampered. I wish I could get pampered more often.


I'm sorry but I had to laugh at this one. They still were a proud people and were willing to die for their country and Emperor. They wore full uniform and even wrote farewell letters before their sacrifice.

Should Abortion Be Illegal Once a Heartbeat Is Detectable?

Abortion is the ultimate act of selfishness. If I know some woman’s had an abortion – I cannot trust her and would not befriend her. Selfish people are usually phony hypocrites.

Why does my partner not want to get married?

These are very normal feelings for a young man, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love or respect you. Usually people fall in love, get married then start a family, he thinks you just skipped that step. It is strange that you haven’t discussed this before. Possible reasons why he doesn’t want to get married may include - his parents being divorced or maybe you were married, so he has no faith in it, or he feels it wouldn’t be special if you’ve done it before. Maybe he feels it’s an unnecessary bureaucracy, cost and hustle - as your relationship is fine as it is. Even the most committed men like to hold on to the 'perception of freedom' as long as possible. Some men subconsciously feel they will be emasculated by commitment. Ever noticed how men talk about ‘being tied down, ball and chain’ and generally speak of marriage in a negative way? Women grow up dreaming of getting married, while most men dread it. Society makes us believe that marriage is a liability for men, while women have something to gain from it. This is embedded in all our subconsciousness. Speak to him, tell him how you feel, and that it is something that’s important to you, but don’t pressure him if he’s not ready. You are both still young and not together that long, so he may change his mind in a few years. He also may not, some people just don't believe marriage to be a necessary part of a relationship.

Poll: Do White Women take care of their feet?

I say this because in the summer they always walk around in flip flops and short shorts... and they have the most nice pedicures and painted toes, their long and slim and their always clean and they always seem to take good care of them.

Can you guys tell me what happend over here?

I dont want to sound harsh when i say this, but it sounds like to me that she has caught on to your attraction to her, and it makes her feel uncomfortable. Maybe she wants to go for the other kid that likes her, i wouldnt know. But it sounds like she is handling the situation a bit sound as though you were a great guy to her. Maybe she could have been using you at the end for the class, im not sure about that either. But it sounds like to me you arent going to get anywhere with her relationship-wise. Wish her a happy birthday, and see what happens. It will be hard, and if you think you can do it, try to not text her until her birthday. Let her think you forgot all about her, let her miss you, then just pop out of nowhere with a happy birthday. If she has any positive feelings for you at all, this will be very sweet to her and let her know that you care about her and that you remembered her birthday. take it slow if she answers, if she doesnt, then i would say just move on.

Why is my chevy 283 accelerator pump sticking?

i have a 1967 impala with a all fully original from factory 283 with power glide. i have the original Rochester 2GV and we rebuilt it... about a week after the rebuild i felt the pedal i gave it a harder push and my car went kamikaze and took off like a toyota. i shut her down and rolled into a gas station where i disassembled the accelerator pump all together and i drove home. i had replaced the accelerator pump. when i first opened the carb up i saw the arm For the accelerator pump had been bent back and stuck. that explains why the pedal froze. and apparently when i hit it it stuck wide open. so i reassembled the pump for it to only happen again. i disassembled it and now im driving around without an accelerator pump. what could have possibly caused the arm to bend and keep me accelerating. is it the linkage put on wrong? please help.

Should I just cut all contact with him?

Honestly,it is hard to give you a specific answer to your question. While he did say you were not his type,it does not mean that he did not like you ,your personality,or did not enjoy texting you. It simply suggests that he may not like you as a dating partner or a girlfriend.This sort of things happen as I am sure you also know. It is possible to like someone very much but not like to be involved with them in a romantic relationship.This seems to be the case or most likely scenario .I do not think your hearing impairment had anything to do with his feelings or your physical looks. From everything you have said ,you seem to be a good looking woman. This just seems to be one of those situations where there was no romantic connection. You can delete him from any site you wish but before you do I would ask you to first make sure that this is what you want to do,that you do not want to have any type of contact with him again,and that you are correct about your feelings regarding his motives.Hence ,if possible ,ask him again about his reasons and ask him to be completely honest with you.Then based on his answers ,make your decision.

What it is like to be married?I mean do guys change after marriage and what does it feel like 2 be married?

I am a 23 yr old girl.My boyfriend whom I have been dating for 3 months,has proposed marriage to me.I am suddenly scared.I mean Does marriage means a lot of sacrifices?Do women have to compromise with their careers to make marriage successful?What did you all feel about your married life?Is it any different than a relationship before marriage?

Poll: i am going for pedicure tomorrow what color/ style?

What would work for me? I have long legs, I am thin, somewhat dark skin, long black hair. My feet are normal, but I have little toes. My deft are kinda flat but have an arch as well.

Do you wish that you had a clone so you could give YOURSELF a foot massage/pedicure?

Like if you had an exact replica of yourself (not a twin, you're both you). I know you could do it now, but it feels better when someone else does it, and only you know exactly how you like it.

Is it ok for a male teenager to get a fish pedicure and a body massage?

Ok so im nearly 17 and i do alot of physical training in boxing and public services course(involves alot of physcial work for fitness). i get alot of body pains(legs, neck, back, shoulders) especially the lower back. so i was wondering about gettin a full body massage, but im not sure, would it look weird and strange for a 16/17 yr old going to get a full body massage? they also do fish pedicure (i dont need it but i want it), i just wanna try it out of curiosity bcuz it seems fun but again would it look wrong and gay?

What does this mean for the U.S?

If you are not self-reliant you are doomed so you better start praying now. Jesus instructed the needy to ask, seek and knock. He did not tell them to take, sit on their butt and wait for a government check or break down the doors of their neighbors to take their stuff. Our country is suffering from too much social dependence.

How to Propose a girl at office?

I like one girl in the office she is in different department, when I see her she also look at me and never removes her eyes from eyes until I do it. I think she is interested in me but I don't know how to approach as I never spoke to her yet.In case she is making fun of me and complains to the HR that I proposed her, I might loose this job so please help. How to get her in my arms?

Guys, which 1 of these girls would u like to date more?

i want a girl who wants to party and be sociable but is very loyal . i also want someone who knows how to be dirt without being a slut. plus if a girl pulls too many pranks than she has to go. the girl i have ever liked could always approach me and made me feel good about myself. she also loved to see me get an *cough*erection*cough*

What is your opinion on creation (all religions)?

Logically thinking and analysing, there can never be a 'creation'. If there is a creation, there has to be a creator, material for creation and tools for creation. If these (creator, material and tools) exist for creation, question will arise as to who created them and by what and with what. The chain will never endingly go on. It is logical therefore to assume eternal existence of a thing and its transformation due to its own inherent nature which we call creation. That is what is the purport of vedas.

Where to find cheap engagement rings??

I want to propose to my girl... she has no idea... but I'm low on money and want to no where is there a store in camden nj where they would sell cheap rings... from $100 to $300

Arina Tanemura fans here!!!?

i found this on wikipedia ,,Despite Tanemura's intentions to draw in a style that makes her stories difficult to animate, both Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite have been adapted into TV series''. So arina tanemura did intended to draw in that kind of style, so that her manga wouldn't be animated?!!

Should I introduce my long-distance boyfriend to his kids?

Babe you sure should till him if hes a man he will help you if not he will never see you againaand file for child support please

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where in New York is the most romantic place to propose to my girlfriend?

I've had it all planned out for a while, but can't find the place to propose. Should I go for the cliches of central park and the empire state building or are there other more subtle options?

How many of you just talked about marriage and then became engaged as opposed to getting an official proposal?

Well, my best friend who just became engaged was so self conscious about having an engagement ring that she went to Wal Mart and bought a cheapo ring to wear until they do get married. I think it cost about $89 bucks. As a nurse, I think you could afford that if it means that much to you.

Does my down to earth personality scream bestfriend to guys ?

I have a very down to earth personality . I can hang around alot of guys watch basketball games ,football games and Im a big sports fan so I know quite a bit and can mesh well with the men . Women on the other hand dont mesh well with me if we are in a gathering because Im talking sports when they are talking about pedicures. One day I can dress down one day and the next I will have 4 inch heels and a pencil skirt and I'm never uptight or judgemental with guys so they find it easy to hang out with me . Im attractive so most guys are interested in me romatically but on the flip side of that sometimes it seems like when a guy starts to like me he gets extremely comfortable. I think my personality makes him forget I still need him to be romantic . Is it that most guys can't handle a female that is very versatile or what ? Help me out guys ?

Would women be interested in a free pedicure as part of my new beauty salon?

Im opening a new salon, do you think it would be a great introductory offer for Future customers? if you have any tips or insights please share. thank you in advance.

Will he ever Propose if he hasn't already?

If money is tight, could you forgo any ring at all? If you want the commitment, and he says he would be willing to get married, you don't need a ring to say that you're "engaged," as long as you both agree that you are going to get married. As for getting married, if you can both be satisfied by going to the courthouse with your kids and close family, maybe you can convince him that there's no reason to wait. Years from now you can have a vow renewal when you don't have two young children to care for.

Fallout new vegas traits, pick none?

Is it dumb if you don't pick any traits? Aka kamikaze and others, they just seemed to throw my character off balance so I skipped them.. only picked wild wasteland, should I reconsider??

How do girls feel about foot fetishes?

I have been with several women and i'd say 90% have enjoyed it and found it very kinky/sensual...great foreplay as well....the majority have been in their 20s...younger girls seem to be very closed minded on this for what i personally like,i like girls who wear flip flops,wear toe rings,pedicure,especially french tips...kissing and sucking toes etc is just fun for me...what about the ladies? what do you think about it?

I have a question for the girls out there...?

Okay, so girls like to get pedicures and have pretty looking feet. A lot of guys like girls feet as well. Most guys have ugly feet though. I on the other hand don't think I have ugly guy feet. I don't really get professional pedicures, but I don't just let the soap and water run over them in the shower. I scrub them good. I use a pumice stone once a week, and I put lotion on before I put my socks on so they are always soft and smell good. In terms of how they look, I would say that they are well above average guy feet. No crooked toes. I have medium arches as well. A lot of guys have a fetish for girls feet, but like no girls seem to have a fetish for guys feet manly because most guys feet are ugly and untaken care of. So girls, do you think that's sexy? A guy that takes care of his feet? Do you think you could ever have a fetish for well maintained guy feet?

Have you ever gotten a pedicure?

yes try getting a french tip its classic , easy and goes with everything it prices from around 15-25 dollars depending from where you get it done.

What anime should I watch next? What are some good animes that fit this criteria?

So I just finished watching Lovely Complex. Freakin' awesome, if I do say so myself. I also like Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Pichi Pichi Pitch: Mermaid Melody, Tokyo Mew Mew, Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama, Romeo X Juliet, InuYasha (but InuYasha's a classic. Who DOESN'T like it?), Sailor Moon and umm... Yeah... I like shojo anime/manga with happy endings (which means that the main couple ends up together. In Romeo X Juliet, that's a bit iffy, but it shows them together in that paradise type place, and I think that counts) and no love triangles (Sailor Moon is an exception. It only lasts a little while, though). Comedy is awesome, especially when there's also historical and/or fantasy elements. So yeah. Thanks.

I think my son is going to propose to his girlfriend?

My son is 22 years old and his girlfriend is 36 yes its a huge age difference but i had accepted it my son met her in college last year and they just hit it off. Shes divorced with two kids and my son is great with kids he has a little sister shes 9 but anyway i think he is moving too fast with this relationship. My son has been asking me questions like how did dad propose to you my husband died when my son was only 5. I think that he is going to do something stupid tonight and regret it for the rest of his life he has a good job lives in an apartment but i still think hes not ready for marriage how do i stop my son ffrom making a big mistake?

Where can you find pedicure stickers?

I know they have these sticker like things made by Sally Henson that you can put on your finger nails. They cover the entire nail, so you do that instead of painting them. I'm looking for ones that are made for toe nails.

Getting a pedicure...?

Furthermore, yes I agree with you. Under the circumstances you have presented, in my expert opinion. You should definitely call the police and tell them what's going on.

How often does a girl threaten to cut a man's ball off if he breaks if off with her?

Does she say it jokingly or is there actual intent to the threat? I would say that is not often that a girl will threaten physical harm on you just because you end up breaking up with her. If you are the one that initially proposed then she should know that you are become more invested in the relationship. She should trust you more if you do something like that. I guess she is overreacting or something about the situation. It also lets you know that she very much loves you and wants to be with you.

20 favorite romance animes?

my favorite are tokyo mew mew, kamikaze kaito jeanne, dn angel ,myself yourself, mermaid melody,lovely complex,kaitou wa maid sama,fruits basket,

Willy boyfriend propose to me soon?

Just talk to him about it. Tell him you feel like your relationship is at a stand still and if he doesn't plan on your relationship going any further then you guys should go your separate ways.

I proposed one girl.She said she accepted my friend request on facebook.I still love her.what to do?

about 2-3 months ago I proposed one girl at college.She said quickly NO to me.Now we are not in same college.we have changed our college for higher this time she joined facebook & accept my friend request.we were not such as friends in college.I love her so should I interact with her on facebook?

Should I ask him if I did something wrong? \:?

yeah you should! i suggest getting in one of those convos that are like soooo do you reeallly like me ? :) and then get to the point and be like well, its just i was wondering if theres somethign wrong with me cuz, i see u always looking at my leg or feet. and he'll explain. he'll probably say ur legs are really sexy ahahah :D

Would it bother you if you were with ur man for 6 years and he...?

hasent proposed or showed any intentions on getting married..not yet atleast,is 6 years not enough,i asjd him and he says "we'll go to court and get married tmarrow if you want",just to make you happy "...i mean who mwants to get married like that,not me..why does it bother me so much?

Do you wish that you had a clone so you could give YOURSELF a foot massage/pedicure?

Like if you had an exact replica of yourself (not a twin, you're both you). I know you could do it now, but it feels better when someone else does it, and only you know exactly how you like it.

French manicure and pedicure?

If you don't get fake nails they just paint them on - light pink for the base, white on the tips (but you can ask for any colors you want). You can get just regular polish which is the easiest and cheapest. I also recently got a French mani with this stuff called gelish. It's kind of like shellac. It's thicker than regular polish and it's supposed to last longer, but in return it's alot harder to take off yourself. I took mine off myself with pure acetone but it took a lot of time and scraping and a little bit of my nail got peeled off with it on a few fingers, so if you get anything other than regular polish I would advice just going back to the salon to get it taken off. As for the time, it'll probably take at least an hour to get both. It really just depends on the wait and how much they do for the mani/pedi. Hope this helps!

Im not girly but i really want to get a pedicure with my mom. How do i ask her to take me for one?

I've had one pedicure before and she offered me to get one. She hasnt offered since so what do i do?

Will the recent Tsunami in Japan affect the quality of the new Toyotas?

I mean, they already kamikaze into walls because of brake glitches, will they now just explode when you turn the key?

I dumped my boyfriend! it feels really bad :-( !! help please!!?

i dumped my ex cause i realized i made a wrong choice! (though he proposed me) .. it was just not working out. And then i moved out of our city for higher studies n distance added to the problems... now after 3 months of dumping him.. i have fallen for someone my ex still loves me.. i dont wanna move back but i feel very very guilty hurt someone so much.. i feel depressed!!! please help me get over it!!

How to make a girl fall in love, who only want to be friend?

i proposed a girl and she just want be friend... she is my good friend... we both live on different town n contact each other only through what should i do to make her fall in love

What does a nother guy give to his boyfriend when he wants to propose?

make a ring. say to him that you know its crappy but it will do until you can go and get a pair of engagement rings

Why are so many young men choosing to remain bachelor's and seem bitter at women and even mock men who marry?

I am a 35 year old Professional male attorney.I am happy in life,love my job and fiancee. I am getting married in December. It seems that a lot of my friends from college and at work who range in age from 25-45 are refusing to get married and seem bitter at women. On fellow coworker who is an Attorney as well stated to me that if I get divorced I will lose half my money and custody of children(I want kids). Many of my friends, who are considered handsome guys with money have absolutely stated they will not marry wahtsoever and some have given up on women completely. My friend who I will call "Jeff" is advising me not to get married that most marriages end in divorce.Jeff has been hurt by women in the past(His last girlfriend of 5 yrs left him for another guy).Jeff claims he was a "nice guy" and his ex girlfriend left him for a "jerk" who treat her badly.I told Jeff that not all women are like that and a good marriage can be a beautiful thing.It seems like these guys just want to remain bachelors and some of them I think really hate women cause they have been hurt. I feel like as a man getting married a target of ridicule by other men.I rarely bring my fiancee around these guys inasmuch as she feels a hostility from them. It really doesn't matter what these men think of me and I am not sure I even want to be friends with them anymore. My only concern is the future for my kids(I do want kids). If too many men are bitter and choose to remain unmarried, there will be a drastic population shift in declining childbirth rates.Plus,if I am blessed to have a healthy child who is a female she will have little available men to date in the future which is a damn shame. There are a lot of good women out there who would love to marry(My fiancee's best friend is dating a guy for 5 yrs and he has not even proposed to her) My friend "Jeff" .is even involved in a movement called "men going their own way"(MGTOW) part of this so called Mens Rights movement (similar to feminism for women. I went on the website "Happy Bachelors" and it appeared to me just a bunch of successful bachelor men who are bitter at women, and actually encouraging men to "Boycott Marriage".There was one gentlemen on one male blog who actually allegedly said he "he has now become homosexual" because of his hurt in the past by women. This is absolutely ridiculous and a damn shame for my future daughter(if I have a girl) and many young nice pretty unmarried woman looking for husbands.There will be a severe shortage of eligible men from what I sadly see amongst many men today